Depot Adventure Time - Dodgebottler

Miniature recyclable containers playing dodgeball? Yes please! We were tasked with creating spot for Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation to help educated consumers on which containers belong at the bottle depot.

Everything from the gym floors to each team members headbands was crafted carefully by hand, and animated with just as much care. We animated their arms, expressions and dodgeballs by hand after everything was shot.

Our roles: Storyboarding, character design, tiny model maker, stop motion animation, 2D animation, post production.

ABCRC Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation

Venture Play

Production Studio
META Productions

To mimic the appearance of the gym floors we all know and love, balsa wood was cut into various sizes and arranged like floorboards.

Tiny court lines were painted over top, and then a clear epoxy resin was applied. We can hear those shoes squeaking already!

Hello wonderful!

Do you have an exciting stop motion project in mind?

Share your ideas with us – we're all ears and ready to bring more wonder. Get in touch today and let's create something amazing together!


Benevolent Hand


Alberta Milk